Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Where's your blogging megaphone?

Okay, so you have a blog.
Sure, it's probably pretty basic, but you aren't trying to impress people with pretty colors. You want them to come to your blog because of you, right? 

Finding the right "voice" is hard! I get that! 
Come on...I have a degree in English and was always changing my "voice", sometimes having three different "voices" in a day for three different papers. Let me tell you, I ended up getting really confused at times and sometimes forgot who I was. Well, it was never that drastic, but I would sometimes speak in really odd sentence structures. And while I was writing a huge paper, I ended in this super formal relationship with a guy who I realized I really didn't like. I'm not a formal person by nature, but since I was writing a formal paper, it just wiggled its way into my speech. The relationship was not genuine and there was discord and lack of connection. I don't suggest you try it. 

Without further words, may I present 
(I'd link up to it, but I can't seem to figure out how to...so bear with me)

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